The Guide To Coupon Abbreviations [Official Lingo Cheatsheet]

Have you ever watched those extreme couponing shows? I’m sure you know which ones I’m referring to. The main stars of the series head into a supermarket, coupon binder in hand, and end up paying 12 cents for a week’s worth of groceries. This organized hobby can be extremely beneficial and a huge money-saver if employed correctly and effectively. However, once you begin to collect your paper vouchers for your next trip to the local grocer, you will need to familiarize yourself with some basic coupon knowledge in order to achieve optimum savings.

15 Most Commonly Used Coupon Abbreviations

Here are the 15 most commonly used acronyms you will come across on your journey to becoming an avid couponer:

  1. BOGO: This acronym refers to a ‘buy-one-item, get-one-item free’ deal. A coupon detailing this offer is most commonly found when purchasing two or more of the same item.
  2. B1G1: Similar to BOGO, some coupons will express this buy-one-item, get-one-item deal by labeling it as B1G1. Again, it is most commonly valid when purchasing two of the same item.
  3. B2G2: In B2G2 coupon offers, customers will be awarded two free items with the purchase of two designated items. In the buy-one, get-one offers, it is not unheard of for the second (or third and fourth, in this case) piece of merchandise to be offered at a discounted price, rather than completely free.
  4. CRT: Another common acronym you will come across as you start your coupon collection is CRT. Meaning cash register tape, this term is a fancy way to say receipt.
  5. ECB: The meaning of this abbreviation is extra care bucks. You may see this term when a seller is offering store credit with a purchase of a particular item.
  6. Exp.: As you carry on in your couponing endeavors, you will find that each offer has a time limit, meaning it can only be used up to a certain day or time. The abbreviation ‘exp.’, short for expiration, will indicate this date and time.
  7. ISO: The extreme couponers will definitely be aware of this one. ISO means “in search of,” and refers to an individual who is pursuing a specific coupon.
  8. MFG/MQ: Referring to a manufacturer coupon, this type of coupon is the more-traditional voucher that is cut out of a local newspaper or magazine.
  9. MM: Believe it or not, the most avid couponers make money through coupon usage. MM is an acronym that refers to this individual – the money maker.
  10. Q: In the couponing world, Q is a quick reference to the word coupon.
  11. OYNO: Many coupon offers cannot be taken advantage of until the consecutive purchase. This acronym refers to that condition, standing for “on your next order.”
  12. RR: This shorthand is similar to extra care bucks. Meaning “register rewards,” it is a form of store credit that is offered by a variety of everyday coupons.
  13. UFT: Another term for those passionate coupon users, UFT, or “up for trade,” refers to the individual who is willing to play the trading game with other coupon collectors.
  14. WSL: “While supplies last” is one of the more common coupon abbreviations. Finding this acronym on a coupon indicates that the offer is only valid if you purchase the item as it is currently stocked in the seller’s inventory.
  15. WYB: This means “when you buy” and is indicative of conditions that must be met before the offer becomes valid.

Once you get the hang of each of these acronyms, you are ready to start your coupon collection! Making yourself knowledgeable in coupon vocabulary is sure to ‘reel’ in the savings!