Are you looking to save some valuable time? Direct Deposit is a program that puts your paycheck directly into your Fremont Federal Credit Union account on paydays. Instead of getting a check every week, you will receive confirmation that your check was automatically deposited into your account. Most employers offer Direct Deposit.
To set up Direct Deposit, your employer will need FFCU's routing and transit number, which is 241278785 and either your savings account number or your checking account number (depending on where your funds will be deposited). Please note that your checking account number is the 10 digit number located on your checks to the right of the routing number. Employers may also ask for a voided check to help ensure accuracy. Call or stop into any of our convenient locations for additional information.
Want to save more time and budget your money?
Direct Deposit Distribution will automatically distribute parts of your paycheck into various FFCU accounts such as:
Not only is Direct Deposit convenient, it can be a great way to build your nest egg and help with monthly budgeting. Once you sign up, the distributions continue with each paycheck . . . out of sight, out of mind!
Direct Deposit Distributions must be set up at our office, so please call 419-334-4434 in Fremont, 419-849-2570 in Woodville or 419-547-2348 in Clyde or 419-573-6310 in Port Clinton or stop into any of our convenient locations and a Member Service Representative can assist you. Direct Deposit Distributions is a free service.